Of The Sunless Sea


Sven Thane Grimore
Age✦ 30
Height✦ 6'0 ft
Weight✦ 190 lb
Eye color✦ A piercing green
Hair color✦ Light brown hair (Originally its black)
Skin color✦ White/Tan skin
Ethnicity✦ Gridanian/Othard
Namesday✦ 7th Sun of the 2nd Astral moon
Hometown✦ Lavendar Beds, Gridania
Occupation✦Whimsical Adventurer/ex-military
Current Martial Status✦Single.
Sexual Orientation✦ Bisexual
Othard Cuisine
Alcohol [occasionally]
Saints Wake holiday
Autumn weather
Playing his lute when the muse strikes.
Not getting any sleep.
Accidentally tripping going up the stairs....alot.
Getting drunk on a week day.
Not winning the cactpot.
Getting his tail pulled.
Sven is an optimistic and thoughtful, easy-going miqo'te, who enjoys singing and prancing about.
He takes great joy in showering his close friends and allies with unconditional loyalty and love. Passionate embraces- followed by friendly elbow nugging, half-assed grins accompanied by a wistful wink. He gives his love freely to those that would recieve it and maybe- return the favor in kindness. Helping anyone that he can to the extent he can offer.
Even though his exterior shell is vibing with positive energy- that gets absorbed by those around him. Leading the interior of this shell to be coming small and vulnerable to the hidden emotions that is anxiety and loneliness.
Surrounding himself with friends, and loved ones- is the only way he can stave off the dark intrusive emotions, but when it creeps in, he isolates his heart- craddling it closely as if afraid it might break underneath the weight of his suppressed depression.
Alas his will is strong, and the resolve to live his life to the fullest ever his long-term goal. He'll fight for the ones he loves- and for the ones he lost. Gladly to fight till his dying breath, if it meant they could live in a better tomorrow.
That is the core of Sven's heart.
✦Voice Claim✦
Sven's voice was hard to pin point at first, I had to rack my brain and try to remember every anime/show/movie I've watched. To find a not so heroic or edgy tone, but chilled and relaxed-yet holds an unseen air of confidence, witty charm.... I nearly face-palmed when I realized it was Miruko's english voice from Inuyasha .
⋆Video reference⋆
[And no that doesn't mean that Sven is secretly out to bed every women/men he meets, because he shares the voice with a lecherous monk... perish the thot.]
✦The Past that lead us here✦

✦Where it all began✦
✦Friend? or Foe? or Lover?✦
Yumae Grimore✦Mother ❤ Kein Grimore✦Father/RIP
Zaan Grimore✦Sister/RIP❤ Konoa Ohsahmu✦Step-brother
All are good beans, would go to the moon and back for them❤
[None here yet...]

OOC❤ Call me Liz :3c
10+ years of rping, older then 25 but younger than 30. Will RP mature , or something more spicey/erotic themes, please be 21+ years of age to RP such themes, thank you.
I'll plug some of my social media, if you want to check some of my other stuff I do, besides running around in ffxiv, commiting felony shenanigans.
Photo Gallery
✦Roleplay Starters✦
Gridinia being his place of birth, he doesn't visit there often. The life of an adventurer is one of constantly traveling from near to far off places.
Though it is not unusual to spy this illusive bard, running about at the quicksands performing jobs, some kind of idle business, or to simply enjoy a few drinks to add to his ever growing tab at Momodi's annoyed expense.
It isn't hard to approach this friendly miqo'te, he'll start a conversation with anyone that is willing to listen to him talk alot- I mean alot to the point he'll start asking if you want to meet for lunch sometime, cause he probably thinks you're super cool, and wants to be your friend.
[ Side-note]
If there is need to discuss before hand about plot or planning out stuff, I'm totally open to any of that.
[ERP side-note]
It can happen, like a fanfic- mature themes with some plot. If a little bit of plot needs to happen for some action, I'm down to discuss about it. It just depends on the where and when, with no strings attached.
But- if both parties want to try for a long term, and build up a nice slow burn - then that will be determined through general RP.